Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dishwasher Wars

I just stumbled across this blog post on the Guardian website. It describes the running battle this blogger has with his partner "The Baker" in the kitchen and especially over the dishwasher. I'm sure "The Baker" is some kind of hitman, possibly an Italian American version of Bunman.

Back in the early days of Lazyview (nearly a year ago!) I mentioned my own struggles with the dishwasher. Anonymous commenter said they had a meticulously stacked dishwasher. I was fairly shocked. It has stuck in my mind all this time and I'm reminded of it whenever I see a dishwasher and this article brought it all back. Now we have someone else claiming that they painstakingly rinse their plates and carefully organise the dishwasher. What's the point? If you've gone to all that trouble you might as well just have hand washed the dishes in the first place WHICH IS WHAT I HAVE TO DO NOW BECAUSE I HAVE NO DISHWASHER SO SHUT UP COMPLAINING YOU STUPID GUARDIAN BLOGGER OR THE BAKER WILL BAKE YOU INTO A PIE!

Mmm pie.

Incidently, I read somewhere that dishwashers have dirt sensors, and if the dishes are all basically clean they turn down the cleaning power.


DV said...

Dirt sensors? I need one of those to tell me when my back is clean because I can't reach or see it.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous commenter said they had a meticulously stacked dishwasher."
mmmmm I thought, that's the sort of thing I would comment, but I wouldn't use the word meticulously. Turns out I didn't.
"Don't worry Mike you'll eventually get the hang of it. I am tempted to take a picture of my perfectly filled dishwasher for you as a template, but I can't be bothered."
the rest of the comment wasn't funny or clever. My what a lot we have learned in a year. My full dishwasher is still a thing of beauty.

Mike said...

That was my interpretation of what you said, not a quote.

And stop rubbing it in that you have a damn dishwasher.