Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Kevin Harrington Award for Post of the Week

It's time to give out the inaugural Kevin Harrington Award for Best Post of the Week. This prestigious award will be handed out each week (hopefully each Monday unless I forget again) to the visitor with the most insightful, profound comment of the week.

The award was named after Kevin Harrington, who heroically sacrificed his life so that this blog may live on and continue to shape the world. May his spirit ever guide us. Hold on, I'm hearing that Kevin Harrington might not actually be dead. We may need a fact check on that. I really need an editor.

So without further ado, I give you this week's winner.....Anonymous! Anonymous' post on June 5 in Mike's now legendarily bland Subway Ordering post. Such a gripping tale of innocence lost in the dark, and faceless heart of America. Either that or it's a cautionary tale of a mentally challenged man launching an invasion of inconvenience on the normal folks of that same dark and faceless heart of American.

Lazyview thanks you Anonymous! The people of Subway probably want to kill you and your family, but so goes life.

Good luck to all our future commentators. Which has just made me think of tater tots. I'm hungry.


Anonymous said...

Drekkus is my hero!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you!! I must say that I couldn't have done this without my aids, and want everybody to have aids!

(Sorry, just watched that southpark subway episode yesterday)

Anonymous said...

Hehe, even I knew who anonymous was.

Mike said...

Lurker Knows!