Banking Laziness
I've decided to coin a new term, as I frequently do. See, check out the title....Banked Laziness. It means what it sounds like it means. You put a little effort out now and you are rewarded with laziness plus interest. Just like a bank! Unless you lost all your money with a sub prime loan or something. In that case, you're an idiot, and not even Lazy View can help you. We've tried to explain this several times in the past and now I've thought of something to log and categorize this phenomenon. I'm awesome! Awesome like a bidet! Cool and refreshing in a hot and smelly darkness!
Today's example: Painting. Painting is not by it's nature a lazy activity. It takes a lot of prep work up front and a lot of physical work doing the actual painting. Skip taping, and it'll take you twice as long to edge with a brush. Don't go to the store and buy pan liners, spend 20 minutes cleaning the paint pan.
I was dumb enough to start painting a room in my house. Now, in true lazy fashion, I started painting 6 days ago and have only finished 2 walls. Which is perfectly acceptable. I did the prep work and taped the moulding, windows, and electrical sockets. Annoying, but not as annoying as edging with a brush. And that's when laziness struck. I had plenty of paint on hand, but only had so much paint in the paint pan. And I was determined not to pour out anymore paint as the can was closed and I was going to stop painting as soon as I ran out of my current supply. If I poured out too much paint, I'd have to pour it back in the paint can and there's no way I'm doing that without making a mess. However, I also very much wanted to finish the wall. So I decided to stretch the paint on hand to cover the entire wall. And that wall now looks like shit. So shitty that I will have to put a second coat of paint on. Had I put some extra effort in and poured out some more paint, I would have been able to bank some laziness for this weekend. Now I have to do more work.
You see, sometimes you have to be a little less lazy now to experience true lazy nirvana. What should I call that? Lazvana? Nirvazy? Lavana? Ahhh, I don't give a fuck. I've already thought of one new term for today. Contributions to the English language will have to wait for another day.
Every read "Moving Pictures", Venom? It pretty much presents the same concept while introducing the character of Victor.
I haven't read it because I'm shockingly illiterate, but I hear that accusatory tone of plagarism in your voice!
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